α-SMA [D4K9N] Antibody – 164Dy

Catalog: 716401

Clone: D4K9N

Isotype: Rabbit IgG

Reactivity: Human*, Mouse*, Rat

Application: MIBI-FFPE
Storage: Supplied in antibody stabilizer with 0.05% sodium azide. Store at 4°C


IHC: α-SMA staining of FFPE human placenta


MIBI: α-SMA (cyan) staining of FFPE human placenta, costained with dsDNA (magenta)


IHC: α-SMA staining of FFPE mouse ileum


MIBI: α-SMA staining (cyan) of FFPE mouse ileum, counterstained with dsDNA (magenta)

Background: α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA, ACTA2) is one of six actin isoforms found in vertebrates. α-SMA is expressed in a variety of tissues and is used as a marker of vascular smooth muscle, myofibroblasts, and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs)

Validation: Each lot of conjugated antibody is quality control tested by staining tissue following the MIBI Staining Protocol optimized for the applicable tissue format with subsequent MIBIscope analysis of stained tissue microarray using the appropriate positive and negative tissue field of views.

Recommended Usage: Human FFPE: 2 ug/mL dilution.
Mouse FFPE: 0.3 ug/mL dilution.
For optimal results, the antibody should be titrated for each desired application.

MIBI technology: Learn more about MIBI Technology, a multiplex IHC technology with unmatched sensitivity and true subcellular resolution.

Emon, B., Bauer, J., Jain, Y., Jung, B., Saif, T. Biophysics of Tumor Microenvironment and Cancer Metastasis -A Mini Review. Computational and Structural Biotechnology. 2018; 16, 279–287.

* Conjugate tested on human tissue and mouse tissue.

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